Tag: heranças

  • Rituals


    Hello Summoners!

    Today I bring you an update that has been in preparation since June 12, 2021. Yes, an update that took almost 3 years to be ready, having gone through several tests on the table and several iterations until it reached you.

    Rituals are ways of working with both ritual conjuration, which has been updated, and Rituals themselves, which are an additional form of magic that can be used by conjurers and non-conjurers as well.

    But don't be scared, the price and time for this is high!

    The following updates have been made:

    • Rituals: Added Ritual mechanics page and updated Ritual Casting
    • List of Rituals: Adding a page with a short list of example Rituals
    • Class Changes: The three classes that have Ritual casting received a small update to the feature that allowed them to use this form of magic.
    • Magic: Information about creatures with magical inability as well as a brief update on the number of items that can be tuned, already in preparation for the future update of magical items
    • Heritages: 7 new Heritages have been added, related to Acolytes, Arcanes and Shamans
    • Enhancements: 12 new Enhancements have been added, related to Acolytes, Arcanes, and Shamans. The Ritualist Enhancement has been changed to an Heritage.

    With this, Runarcana receives another small sub-system that allows Masters and Players to explore even more diverse ideas within their adventures, both mechanically and in exploration and interpretation.

    That's all for today, I hope you like the news and if you have any opinions or ideas, bring them to us on our Discord official
