Greetings Summoners…
Welcome to Runarcana RPG Update 0.94 Anniversary and Preview!
Four years ago, on December 6, 2018, I published something that although I had idealized around 2014, I started to carry out just a few months before that date, its name was Runeterra RPG!
Since then, a lot has happened, the project I created at that time was a test to see if there were people in the community interested in playing tabletop RPGs in the world of Runeterra, where until then, only League of Legends had taken place.
Yes, people were interested, and lots of them!
What was Runeterra RPG became Runarcana, little by little a community was formed and this project had a team of more than 10 people working through the system. The problem with a project like this growing so much is that everyone wants to give it a certain direction, everyone has their own ideas and this ends up generating conflict.
But from conflicts, good things are also born, as was the case with the 0.93 update that put the house in order and allowed that in this almost 1 year, a lot of things could be tidied up, produced and improved.
In this way, today we are celebrating 4 years of Runarcana RPG and with that, we are releasing this preview of update 0.94, which is being published as a document in Google Docs (in Portuguese), mainly because it has a table of contents on the side to facilitate navigation, but also so that it can be copied, translated, among other possibilities.
Preview. But why preview?
To celebrate this fourth year anniversary and bring the community closer together, this time the update is being made publicly available to receive feedback and feedback from the community before it is rolled out to the system.
Yes, that means you can help modify how this update is officially released!
With the launch of this preview, 2 weeks of space begin so that the community can test, evaluate and give their opinion.
On the 19th, the space for opinions will be closed, the changes that are considered will be applied and the launch is scheduled for the 23rd of December, already on the Runarcana Wiki being part of the system.
There are more than 100 pages of content, with a dense beginning with many explanations and the principles that guide this update, so take your time to read and understand, that way several questions can be resolved!
Finally, the space to leave your opinion, criticism or suggestion is open on our Discord, just enter there, accept the rules and have access to the forum and chat about the 0.94 preview
Below are the link, translated by Mizuhiro and Neolakia.
Enjoy and see you again around the 23rd of December!
7 Responses
Bora ler essa maravilha
Opa, e aí… curtiu?
Muito boas as mudanças dessa edição. Só fiquei triste com a remoção do Peregrino, já que as subclasses traziam mecânicas bem interessantes, e elas são únicas (como os meeps, por exemplo). Vai ter algo para repor as subclasses do peregrino agora com sua remoção?
Opa, obrigado pelo feeback Gallydo!
Sim, a maior parte das mecânicas ligadas aos Celestiais será mantida como opção para outros personagens.
Opa então eu gostaria de saber, se a wiki ainda terá a página do Peregrino e das coisas da 0.93 pois eu e meus amigos estamos fazendo 3 mesas e cada uma delas tem um Peregrino.
E como a 0.93 é uma versão que não tem documento externo ficaria meio difícil.
Vocês poderiam fazer uma área de conteúdo legado na wiki pra pessoas que ainda estão jogando nessa versão não se atrapalhem tanto.
De resto continuem com o bom trabalho, o runarcana conseguiu acender a vontade de jogar rpg novamente e fico feliz vendo ele crescer.
Opa Mateus! Obrigado pela excelente sugestão.
Agora estão lá o Ninja e o Peregrino, com o aviso expresso que são conteúdo Legado e não possuem suporte.
Meu principal sentimento foi de uma evolução para um caminho de se tornar um sistema único saindo de perto do D&D , n sei se eu gosto disso porque sou mt fã de D&D mais mesmo assim eu amei jogar a prévia em uma mesa minha. Mas a coisa que mais me deixou triste foi terem tirado o Peregrino, eu entendo mais era a classe que eu mais me diverti jogando.