Category: Announcements

  • The Techmaturgy

    The Techmaturgy

    TL;DR: the link to the docs and PDF is at the end of the article. Feedbacks must be made only via the official Discord.

    It’s finally “done”!

    After months of work, I can present to you “The Techmaturgy”, a kind of supplement/modification of Runarcana before reaching version 1.0.

    The main objective of this document is to bring the necessary complement to the Runarcana system, referring to Techmaturgy, which was necessary after the removal of the Techmaturgy class.

    Regarding Techmaturgy, the document contains:

    • Detailed rules for Techmaturgy and technology inventions/apparatus/devices;
      • Lore for the use of Techmaturgy
      • Dozens of formulas for techmaturgical items
      • Rules for “hacking” techmaturgical items
    • Update of the Inventor Techmaturge Craft
    • Update of Heritages regarding Techmaturgy and the Energy characteristic

    And although the name of the document is “The Techmaturgy” in it you can also find:

    • New rules for Rare Materials such as:
      • True Ice
      • Petricite
        • Runic Steel
      • Reliquary Stone
    • New Elemental Mystery
      • New spells
      • Magic Update
    • Update of firearms with
      • Review of current firearms
      • Addition of new firearms
      • Flamethrower Update

    In total, the document has 73 pages of original and authorial material shared with the public for evaluation and adaptation so that it can be integrated into the system. Many errors must have been reviewed, in addition, due to the amount of material presented, many things may still be unbalanced.

    The document is being presented in its 1.0 version, to leave your opinions about it and help with feedback, join our Discord, in the “Techmaturgy” forum so that these opinions can be organized and considered for updates to this content before it is integrated into the system.

    Now, for those who like to read stories, let’s go to the history of this document:

    The Techmaturge class was removed for several reasons already explained, but this created a gap in how to deal with techmaturgical inventions, apparatus and devices, since they were the centerpiece of this class.

    When I started the Techmaturgy document, the objective was just to create some additional formulas to bring these items to Runarcana players and masters, however during the development process I noticed that I was making a mistake again.

    There were many items with similar functioning, created without much logic and in consistency with a better designed system. Realizing this, I found myself between publishing something that I knew I didn’t like, was poorly done and would need to be updated in a short time, or taking a step back and organizing it so that it became cohesive and functional.

    During this process, many things happened, such as the game Song of Nunu, which brought new information about the Freljord, the True Ice, the Yetis, among other elements that could significantly modify some of the existing rules of Runarcana.

    One of these rules was the answer to a question that plagued the minds of both this one who writes to you and many of you: What the hell is the “Yeti” element? The answer to this came precisely with a better understanding of Yeti magic, its origin and how it works.

    These changes alone caused the rules for True Ice to be revised and expanded, a new element for elemental magic (Arctic) was finally created and inserted, completing the magic structure of Runarcana and new spells had to be created to flesh it out this Mystery of magic.

    As you can imagine, this takes time and what was supposed to be a document with just over 10 pages ended up turning into this monster of 73 pages of pure text and tables, something that, if it had received some images and a more elaborate layout, could easily be published as a supplement.

    If this is good for you, you knew that not everything was rosy, the amount of work that this required meant that during this time the Magitek Repository was delayed to the point of being temporarily suspended (for which I thank th supporters for your attention and patience), in addition to having delayed the entire published schedule for Runarcana updates.

    I finally finished the document and bring it to you, both in a PDF version for download, and in a version to read in Google Docs itself.

    I sincerely hope you like what is presented here, it was created with a lot of passion and completely from the heart, although I know that many flaws will still be found and we will work together to make it even better.

    For those who don’t speak Portuguese, a translation into English is currently being prepared and as soon as it is ready, it will also be published, although you can already use Google Translator to get a good idea of what lies ahead with this document.

    Once again, thank you to everyone who supports this work, it is only thanks to you that I can dedicate a little more time to bring this to you.

    The Techmaturgy: PDF Docs

  • Augment 0.94a

    Augment 0.94a

    We have update, but this time is different!

    In other updates (especially those with numbers followed by letters as was the case with 0.93a, 0.93b, etc.) corrections, modifications and even additions were made.

    But as mentioned in the 0.94 update, the system is currently on its way to its endpoints, with the need for updates and corrections becoming less and less, with these being normally small and occasional and being made directly on the wiki.

    For this reason, this update, 0.94a only brings content that was designed already for 0.94, with Inventor's Craft recipes, Runes for higher levels in addition to Runesssences that already existed and were updated for 0.94.

    After this 0.94a, we will possibly have 0.94b, structured in the same way, bringing content designed for 0.94 but which were chosen to be kept in test for a longer time, some possibilities are:

    1. Gunsmith Formulas (old modifications updated for the new system)
    2. Vesani (yes, Ahri's tribe that was already published for 0.93 in the Magitek Repository)
    3. Origin and Region Heritages (additions for character creation and development)
    4. Other possibilities…

    Each of these contents is already designed and being tested, so they may appear at any time, with the necessary corrections, in the same format as this 0.94a, for community evaluation and subsequent official inclusion.

    Patch Notes 0.94a

  • Runarcana and the OGL 1.1

    Runarcana and the OGL 1.1

    Hello Summoners!

    Firstly, a happy 2023 to all!

    As you may have seen, the 0.94 update ended up taking a “little” longer, and still hasn't been fully published, with runes, formulas and heritages still in the oven for release.

    But unfortunately I didn't come to talk about 0.94 today, I came to talk about the (perhaps temporary) stoppage of Runarcana development as a whole.

    The OGL

    As some may know, Wizards of the Coast (WotC) is due to release One D&D in 2024 and with that some preparations are being made, the main (and worst) being the OGL.

    For those who don't know, the OGL is the license that allows us to use the base of D&D (d20) for the system, even though it has already moved away from D&D.

    Unfortunately (and that word should be repeated quite a bit) WotC's moves don't seem to be the best, ever since a version of OGL 1.1 was leaked, creators all over the world are stunned by the possibilities.

    On my Youtube channel I've been covering this subject for a few weeks, but in this one in particular we've reached a complicated point that means that any development can be wasted work.

    For this reason, until January 13, 2023, all Runarcana development is paralyzed, the day on which the new OGL that will give the scenario the new rules so that we can continue forward.

    What does that mean? Runarcana will continue to exist, but depending on what happens on the 13th, we have 3 paths to follow:

    1 – Release of OGL in leaked form

    With that, it takes effect automatically and Runarcana becomes unfeasible to continue existing and being worked on in the current format, requiring a complete overhaul of the central system.

    Although Runarcana uses the OGL and SRD as a base, a lot has been produced in these 4 years that is not part of the SRD and therefore does not need the OGL to exist, but much of the underlying structure still needs to be modified. It is a long and laborious path, but it will be followed anyway.

    2 – Release of a better OGL

    In the event that some miracle happens, such as Hasbro and WotC's perception of the community's reaction influences something, we will analyze what is released and make a decision accordingly.

    If there is space, we will resume production of Runarcana towards 1.0 and later a new system direction will be taken.

    3 – Silence from WotC

    If the 13th arrives and we don't have any releases from the OGL or even any pronouncements from WotC, we will maintain the Runarcana development stoppage until some official news is released.

    It becomes impossible to continue any development based on the current system with this possibility on the horizon, as everything done using this system could become completely invalid with the release of this OGL.

    It's the end?

    No, it's not the end, as you've seen, there is the will to continue, but without a resolution we have no way of knowing which way to go at that moment, since if a complete change is necessary, it would take months of development.

    As you can imagine, it's not the best news we'd like to give you, especially after more than 200 pages of updates as was the case with 0.94. This possible change affects Runarcana so deeply that we are truly stunned by what happened.


    In case you're interested, here's some information on why OGL 1.1 derailed Runarcana as it currently exists:

    The two pillars of Runarcana are the OGL 1.0a that currently exists with the Legal Jibber-jabber of Riot Games, which, together with the contract signed in 2020, allow Runarcana to remain in the current format.

    However, the new OGL means that any content created within it can be used by WotC as it pleases. This implies that any material created for Runarcana with this new license in effect will fall under this issue, as the Intellectual Property used for Runarcana is owned by Riot Games.

    As you can imagine, having a contract with Riot Games does not give Runarcana any rights over the I. P., and continuing to publish the same (even if non-commercially, as it is done) has very complicated legal implications.

    Therefore, if this new OGL really comes into force, the only real and responsible possibility will be the creation of a new system.

    Projects that use the same legal Jibber-jabber and OGL end up falling into the same problem, the difference here lies in the responsibility that each one understands and assumes, for this reason, we chose transparency with you.

    People with knowledge of laws can make a more direct and clear analysis on this, but that's the summary of what affects Runarcana.


    As this format (post on the official website) is not the most agile, we ask you to keep an eye on our official Twitter, where we will keep you informed about any news in a more agile way.

    Additionally, this publication may also receive updates, either to inform new developments in the situation, or to clarify any point that has become unclear.

    The date given above, January 13, 2023, can define a lot about Runarcana and RPG itself around the world, so let's wait for the story to develop.

    Thanks for the support!

  • Runarcana 0.94 – Atualização

    Runarcana 0.94 – Atualização

    Celebrando os 4 anos de Runarcana RPG no dia 6 de Dezembro de 2022, foi lançada a Prévia da atualização. A previsão era de publicar a atualização no dia 23 de Dezembro, mas devido a diversas complicações, ela acabou sendo adiada para 1 de janeiro de 2023!

    Mas agora, ela já está disponível na Wiki!

    Nos próximos dias aguardem publicação de alguns conteúdos como Runas, Runessências e até mesmo Fórmulas, além de correções de eventuais erros que sejam encontrados!

    Feliz Ano Novo!

    – Arddhu

  • 4 Anos de Runarcana – Prévia 0.94

    4 Years of Runarcana – Preview 0.94

    Greetings Summoners…

    Welcome to Runarcana RPG Update 0.94 Anniversary and Preview!

    Four years ago, on December 6, 2018, I published something that although I had idealized around 2014, I started to carry out just a few months before that date, its name was Runeterra RPG!

    Since then, a lot has happened, the project I created at that time was a test to see if there were people in the community interested in playing tabletop RPGs in the world of Runeterra, where until then, only League of Legends had taken place.

    Yes, people were interested, and lots of them!

    What was Runeterra RPG became Runarcana, little by little a community was formed and this project had a team of more than 10 people working through the system. The problem with a project like this growing so much is that everyone wants to give it a certain direction, everyone has their own ideas and this ends up generating conflict.

    But from conflicts, good things are also born, as was the case with the 0.93 update that put the house in order and allowed that in this almost 1 year, a lot of things could be tidied up, produced and improved.

    In this way, today we are celebrating 4 years of Runarcana RPG and with that, we are releasing this preview of update 0.94, which is being published as a document in Google Docs (in Portuguese), mainly because it has a table of contents on the side to facilitate navigation, but also so that it can be copied, translated, among other possibilities.

    Preview. But why preview?

    To celebrate this fourth year anniversary and bring the community closer together, this time the update is being made publicly available to receive feedback and feedback from the community before it is rolled out to the system.

    Yes, that means you can help modify how this update is officially released!

    With the launch of this preview, 2 weeks of space begin so that the community can test, evaluate and give their opinion.

    On the 19th, the space for opinions will be closed, the changes that are considered will be applied and the launch is scheduled for the 23rd of December, already on the Runarcana Wiki being part of the system.

    There are more than 100 pages of content, with a dense beginning with many explanations and the principles that guide this update, so take your time to read and understand, that way several questions can be resolved!

    Finally, the space to leave your opinion, criticism or suggestion is open on our Discord, just enter there, accept the rules and have access to the forum and chat about the 0.94 preview

    Below are the link, translated by Mizuhiro and Neolakia.

    Enjoy and see you again around the 23rd of December!
